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My Story

The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas A. Edison.

For me, this fabulous Edison quote sums up my entire approach to health; our bodies are miracles of design and function. If properly taken care of, they will reward us with great health and clear thinking well into old age without pharmaceuticals. And isn’t good health one of our most treasured possessions? Think about it, what would your life be like if you didn’t have good health?

I’ve been interested in diet and health my entire life and decided to make a major career change 7 years ago and focus on helping others return to good health…naturally.

I made this change due to my own experience with cancer and my  profound disappointment with the methods used by Western Medicine to treat cancer.

After my younger sister passed away and I saw the devastating impact chemotherapy had on her body and mind, I remember asking myself "Is this the best modern medicine can do? After 50 years of cancer research and billions of dollars spent, the very best?"

I felt there must be a better way. A more natural way...

So I began educating myself on natural health and healing and, after five years of study, I earned the following certifications:

  • Naturopathic Doctor/Doctor of Functional Medicine

  • Master Herbalist & Master Iridologist

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and Trainer

  • Multiple Brain Integration Technique (MBIT) Trainer and Coach

  • Consulting Hypnotist and Hypnosis Trainer

  • Time-Line Therapy (TLT) Master Practitioner and Trainer

  • Clean Language Facilitator

My goal is simple; to use my significant knowledge in the areas listed above to restore you to good emotional and physical health.

While I will happily help you with any emotional or physical health issue, a primary focus area for me is the Anti-Cancer Diet and Lifestyle.

Dr. Ross

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