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Services: Services
Green Apples
Health Shake


Evaluate your current diet and lifestyle and then make recommendations that will improve mindset, strengthen your immune system and help your body do what it was perfectly designed to do; identify and remove cancer cells. While in person cancer coaching is preferred, I am happy to support virtual cancer coaching via Zoom.

Couple in Nature


This can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each patient’s natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being. While in person health coaching is preferred, I am happy to support virtual health
coaching via Zoom.

Image by MK Hamilton


Hypnosis is a powerful technique that taps into the awesome power of your unconscious mind to help resolve issues in nearly any area of your life. As a Master Hypnotist, I’ve successfully used hypnosis to help people lose weight, change their eating habits, stop smoking, boost their immune system, overcome phobias and many other areas too.  My hypnosis technique is safe and effective and usually produces results in 1-2 sessions. Hypnosis has been proven to be very helpful with cancer and I offer a 6-session Anti-Cancer hypnosis protocol that is designed to help boost your immune system and re-orient your thinking in a positive way to help you fight your cancer.

Yoga by the Ocean


What if I told you that you had not one, but three brains?! We offer personal consultation and training in this new and cutting-edge area that helps you tap into the wisdom of your three brains; head, heart and gut, each responsible for a different areas of your personality and thinking. Used primarily in Europe, Australian and New Zealand, mBraining is practically unknown in the US. I am currently the only certified MBIT instructor in the US. Contact me for more details.



Do you have emotional baggage that you'd like to get rid of? TLT is a powerful way to resolve old emotional issues in a safe and effective manner. The method is “content-free” meaning that I do NOT need to know what the issue you’re trying to resolve when I use the TLT technique. TLT has been used to help people struggling to resolve past issue that involve strong emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt. In addition, TLT has been very effective at helping veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Library Books


I am certified to teach Neuro-Linguistic Programming (7 days), Hypnosis (4 days), Time Line Therapy (2 days) and the Multiple Brain Integration Technique (4 days) and offer schedule friendly training periodically. Please see the site schedule for more details.



I love public speaking and am happy to talk to your group about any natural or emotional health related topic such as Anti-Cancer Diet and Lifestyle, Keys to Good Health, Fats that Heal/Fats that Kill, Functional Mushrooms, mBraining, Hypnosis and many others. Speech duration can range from 1 to 8 hours, depending upon need. Please contact me for details.

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